Friday, 4 July 2008

the big clear out

Well I have at last collected all my stuff from the ex's house. My car is full of boxes and still got to do the storage unit. Where on earth am I going to put everything? How on earth did I collect so much STUFF? How do you get rid of everything? Here is a selection of a few of the random things I have found. Why am I still keeping all my wedding cards and love letters?? Do others throw these things away???? How do you choose? And surely I could never throw away one of the first paintings that my daughter Min painted for me? I would value any advice on how you've chosen between which sentimental items you keep, and which you throw away for good!

1 comment:

lagtimez said...

I've read somewhere that if you take pics of all your keepsakes and then put the photos in a photo album, you can have all your memories to look out without all the keepsakes taking up so much space. I say take the keepsakes that you absolutely must have and put in safe storage and the rest, just close your eyes and discard!! Well, it seems like a good idea at the time.